Tree Pruning

As trees age they can grow in undesirable ways becoming unsightly, dangerous or unhealthy.

Pruning is an important practice if you plan to keep your trees for some time. We offer a variety of tree pruning services to maintain or improve the health of your trees so that you can enjoy peace of mind that your trees are safe and healthy.

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Tree Thinning

A tree with foliage that is too dense is prone to losing branches or falling over, particularly if it is in a windy location.

Foliage creates a ‘sail’ as it catches the wind. Thinning can be an effective solution to reduce the ‘sail’ effect that the leaves have.

By removing branches in a calculated manner, being careful to retain the structural integrity of the tree you can decrease the surface area that gets caught by the wind, therefor making the tree safer in high winds.


Crown Lift

Lower branches can be a nuisance to mow around and can often detract from the beauty of a tree or obscure a view.

Have you got a view waiting to be opened up?

Removing lower limbs gives the tree a more defined line between trunk and canopy. Uplifting is a great technique to open up a view without harming a tree, or simply making it easier to mow the lawn.


Weight Reduction

Does a tree of yours look too heavy?

As a tree grows branch tips can become heavy causing them to dip down low, consequently making them more likely to fall off.

We can perform a weight reduction by removing excess branches, this reduces pressure on the branch unions, decreasing the likelihood of splitting or tear outs.

It is important to have a qualified arborist perform a weight reduction. This seemingly simple task can actually produce the opposite affect (increased end weight, and rotting of limbs) in the long run if branches are indiscriminately cut off without understanding how the tree will react. Get in touch to organise a quote.

Dead wood removal

Removing deadwood enhances the aesthetics of a tree like no other pruning method.

Opening up airflow in the canopy, creating definition around the healthier limbs and generally making it look more healthy.

You will also enjoy the peace of mind that dead and decaying wood suspended high in the air can no longer fall it hit people, property or vehicles below.